Thu, 23 Feb, 2023


Managing Dns


DNS is essential components of any cloud infrastructure. DNS (Domain Name System) is used to map domain names to IP addresses, allowing users to access their applications via user-friendly URLs.

Users can easily add, modify, and delete DNS within their organizations using our intuitive web-based interface. This allows them to manage their infrastructure more efficiently and with greater control.


  1. Navigate to the organization page and click on the “Admin” tab. Under the Admin tab, select the “DNS” tab.

    organization DNS

  2. Click on the ADD DNS button on the top right corner of the page. This will bring up a pop-up window.

    organization DNS

  3. In the pop-up window, select the appropriate provider from the drop-down list. For example, if you are using AWS, select AWS from the list.

    organization DNS

  4. Once you have selected the provider, fill in the required fields. For example, if you selected AWS, you will need to provide the Region, Access key, and Secret key.

    organization DNS

  5. After filling in the required fields, click on the VALIDATE button. This will validate the information you provided and ensure that it is correct.

  6. If the validation is successful, you will be prompted to provide the Zone and Base Domain information. These fields are used to configure the DNS settings for your organization.

    organization DNS

  7. After providing the required information, click on the ADD button to add the DNS to your organization.

  8. The new DNS provider will now be listed on the DNS tab. You can modify or delete the DNS provider as needed.

    organization DNS

Update DNS

  1. Navigate to the Organization page and select the DNS tab.

    organization DNS

  2. Find the DNS record you want to update and click on the pencil icon on the right side of the row.

  3. A popup modal will appear with the current values of the DNS record fields. Make the necessary changes to the fields.

    organization DNS

  4. Click on the Validate button to ensure that the new values are valid and can be saved.

  5. Once validated, an UPDATE DNS modal will appear where you can update the fields.

  6. Fill in the new values in the appropriate fields.

    organization DNS

  7. Click on the UPDATE button at the bottom of the modal to save the changes.

  8. After the DNS record has been updated, you will be redirected back to the DNS page where you can see the updated record.

    organization DNS

Delete DNS

  1. Navigate to the Organization page and select the DNS tab.

    organization DNS

  2. Find the DNS record you want to Delete and click on the pencil icon on the right side of the row.

  3. A pop-up window will appear asking for confirmation. You must type the exact name of the Dns in the provided field to confirm that you want to delete it.

    organization group

  4. Once you have confirmed the dns name, click the I UNDERSTAND, DELETE THIS DNS button.

  5. The dns will be permanently deleted.

Once you have added a registry, you can use it when creating and deploying applications on 01Cloud. Keep in mind that you can also modify or delete a registry by clicking on the appropriate icons in the “Actions” column of the registry table.

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