Thu, 23 Feb, 2023

Container Registry

Step-by-step guide on creating a new Container Registry app inside a project


This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a new Container Registry app inside a project. It includes instructions on selecting the container registry provider, filling in the credential details, and creating the app. Additionally, it also provides instructions on how to connect to Dockerhub and Amazon ECR by entering the required authentication details.

Creating an app from container registry

  1. Select the “Container Registry” option.

  2. Select the container registry provider from the options.

    Container registry options

  3. Fill in the credential details for the container registry provider and click “AUTHORIZE” button.

    Container registry auth

  4. Fill in the app name, select a repository, and select the cluster region, then click on the “CREATE APP” button.

    Plugin details container-registry

Connectin to Container Registry providers

  1. To connect to Dockerhub , enter the access token and user name and click AUTHORIZE button.

    Docker-hub Login

    Learn more about generating access token for Dockerhub

    Create a token for Dockerhub

  2. To connect to Amazon ECR , enter the Access key and Secret key along with the region and click AUTHORIZE button.

    Amazon ECR Login

    Learn more about generating AWS secret key and access key

    Generate AWS access key and secret key

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